I was reading an article on Wikipedia about the new and reborn Batman. I was wondering how this new Batman character was going to fill the old Batman shoes. But what really caught my attention in the new character of Robin. All I can say is, "It's about time!"
Come on, let's admit it! The old Robin was pretty much of a sissy boy! I think it will be great to see this new Robin! Like most younger generation, he will have a little bit of a rebel in him, but on the same side, can't stand any injustices. So often in our own society we see that. It is usually the rebel who will stick up for the down trotten. Maybe it is due to the fact that they are not afraid to speak out or care what opinion other may have about him.
I was also wondering if this new Robin will have kind of James Dean disposition to him. In the first issue Batman and Robin catch Mr.Toad a new villain part of the Circus of Strange and make that part of their investigation. In the next issue they meet Commissioner Gordon as a team for the first time. They then take on the Circus on Strange, after the battle Robin rebels Batman and sets off to find a new mentor. Robin attacks the Circus of Strange only to get trampled. Damian is captured by Pyg and Batman drags one of Pyg's henchmen through the streets while investigating, and Pyg prepares to turn Damian into one of his Doll People. Damian fights Pyg and is soon joined by Batman and the two defeat Pyg and the Circus of Strange. The story for the next arc is set up in the end with the Red Hood choosing a girl with a connection to Damian to be his Robin.
Grant Morrison commented, "If anything, Batman and Robin is more like the Dark Knight. It's a lot more realistic and gritty. When you see the fight scenes that Frank Quitely has done, it's just hardcore, bone-crunching, teeth-breaking, brutal stuff."
All I can say is, "Bravo to the new Robin!"
*thumbs up*
Thanks Carl! Now I want to see your spin on things!
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