Is Batman's true identity Bill Gates? Just think about it; multimillionaire, love high-tech gadgets, is considered brilliant, an environmentalist, has a butler, and is a philanthropist. Who else could possibly fit Bruce Wayne's description better then Bill Gates. And if you look more closely, you will see that Gates has the Batman chin. All he would need is the cowl.
He is an innovative visionary who symbolizes the software computer industry. Like Bruce Wayne, Gates went to an Ivy League college, Harvard. With his sidekick Paul Allen, the dynamic duo, founded Microsoft.
In attempting to explain his tremendous success, industry experts have pointed out that there are really two Bill Gates. I honestly think that there is something to this. I'm sure the fact will bear me out when the rest of the world figures out the true identity of Batman!
Wow this something to think about. It also explains alot. Way to go Betsy!
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LOL. I love it! A real-life Batman!
Thanks Carlotta! I couldn't help to post this!
Hmmm. Well the list you supply isn't really Batman though
1. multimillionaire
2. love high-tech gadgets
3. is considered brilliant
4. an environmentalist
5. has a butler
6. and is a philanthropist
everything described is exactly IronMan. Therefore by that reasoning: Bill Gates is Tony Stark. Tony has several butlers, Actually aside from #6 that list describes Lex Luthor exactly (his environmentalist tho is of course a cover)
Most people think Batman is some guy in a bat costume. Course that's not what makes him Batman since Tony Stark and Luthor can wear a bat costume, or you and I could wear a bat costume too. Also, many think that Batman is suppose to be a rich guy, but he could be broke and he'd still be the legend we've come to know. Being rich and wearing a bat suit really has nothing at all to do with what a batman is, that would come easily a dime a dozen.
Basically, we've had Albert Einstiens (rare though) and we've had Bruce Lee's (rare as well) but we've never really had an Einstien that was a Bruce Lee (or a Bruce Lee that was an Einstien). Not to my knowledge anyways; So Bruce Wayne alone seems to hold that title.
But never mind my comic book yammering, it's just food for comic book thought :)
Hmmm. Well the list you supply isn't really Batman though
1. multimillionaire
2. love high-tech gadgets
3. is considered brilliant
4. an environmentalist
5. has a butler
6. and is a philanthropist
everything described is exactly IronMan. Therefore by that reasoning: Bill Gates is Tony Stark. Tony has several butlers, Actually aside from #6 that list describes Lex Luthor exactly (his environmentalist tho is of course a cover)
Most people think Batman is some guy in a bat costume. Course that's not what makes him Batman since Tony Stark and Luthor can wear a bat costume, or you and I could wear a bat costume too. Also, many think that Batman is suppose to be a rich guy, but he could be broke and he'd still be the legend we've come to know. Being rich and wearing a bat suit really has nothing at all to do with what a batman is, that would come easily a dime a dozen.
Basically, we've had Albert Einstiens (rare though) and we've had Bruce Lee's (rare as well) but we've never really had an Einstien that was a Bruce Lee (or a Bruce Lee that was an Einstien). Not to my knowledge anyways; So Bruce Wayne alone seems to hold that title.
But never mind my comic book yammering, it's just food for comic book thought :)
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