Monday, March 1, 2010

A Blast From The Past - Catwoman

I think growing up as a kid, as many my age, I must admit the the TV series was the best of Batman. A friend of mine on Face Book reminded me of that the other day when she mentioned how much she liked Catwoman as a child. That brought back some fond memories to me rushing into the house to turn on the TV set to tune in yet another adventure of Batman and Robin! Who could forget all those Blams! Kapow! and Holy .......Batman!

But I must agree with with my friend Kat when she said this on her blog: "Perhaps the biggest influence on my feline fanaticism has been the Catwoman from the campy Batman and Robin t.v. series from the 60s. I honestly believe that I was rooting for Catwoman everytime she made an appearance in her skin-tight, black catsuit, her cat's eye glasses and her pointy ears (and boots). Her henchmen in their tiger striped jackets and black ears and whiskers made me giggle with glee." I remember wishing I could hold a spell on the opposite sex like she could. And who wouldn't want those curves!

You can find more that she wrote on this at:
All I can say right now is Meow!

1 comment:

Betsy said...

Hey Us Catwoman fans gotta stick together! lol